We must look inwards as happiness is within us, like salt in the ocean...


''Ah! happiness!'' exclaimed my friend. Tell me - is anyone happy in this world ? most people are not unhappy but not happy either.' Again, happiness means different things to different people. To some, it may just mean the ability to ensure three square meals a day. If they are able to get those meals, they are happy. To others it may be experienced when they acquire a new car or a new house. To few, it may mean establishing a perfectly compatible relationship with their spouse or family members. To each of us, the word happiness has different connotations. 

Happiness is a wealth that knows no limits. It brings with it prefect health, joy for living and a deep sense of contentment. Do you feel it as the prerogative of certain kinds of people to be happy? I have come across many who feels that a certain acquaintance is happier than they are; ''why should he be unhappy?, he has all the money and the things that can makes him be happy. he has good job, social recognition, a place in society and every material thing to bring comfort; nothing is lacking.''

Is it money and material things that makes one happy? Does it mean that a poor man has to be unhappy?, and only rich man be happy.? nothing can be further from the truth that; Happiness does not come with money,  you can't buy it.  So, if it is not money that ensures happiness, what can do so??  Have you noticed how discontentment is spreading all around us? how many people do you meet everyday who are content with their lot? 

Here is an exercise! Ask everyone you meet if they are content and also ask, them to name one thing they desire the most. At least eight out of ten will say they are content and begins to whining about what they lack in their lives. when asked for one thing they desire, they will think very hard because there are so many things they desire!! I realize the string of desires is a never ending one. Almost every preacher, sage or spiritual leaders talks about giving up desires, every saint has talked about the folly of pursuing desires. yet we are unable to control our desires, which brings us unhappiness.

If it were not money that brings happiness, it would simply mean that every human being, rich or poor has the ability to find happiness. the power is within you, happiness do not come from surrounding but within. '' The mind is the strongest thing God has given man. Using it the right way can make all the difference between joy and sorrow and failure.''

Be happy, be yourself .


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